
Showing posts from 2025

Affirmations to Wait 🕰️

Affirmations to Wait 🕰️  I am patient. I am content. I will not self-sabotage while I wait on what I want. I will be grateful as I wait. I am content with having what I’ve got while still desiring what I want. I don’t rush into anything! I trust that I am progressing. I trust God. I will not rush God. So it is.  “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” ‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭4‬ 

Affirmations For When It Didn't Work 🌞🤷🏽‍♀️🤞🏼👸🏽

About a month ago I was let down terribly. Relationship issues. Trouble in what became my own little personal paradise  .  I couldn’t imagine moving on from such a sad situation. I was let down and disappointed. Distraught .  I mean I tried my darndest, but in the end, it didn’t work👷‍♀️ .  I hate when life goes like that. Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a job, a friendship, a project — when you try your best and it doesn’t work, it sucks.  Still if in the end, you know you did your best there is satisfaction to be found . How? Well, as long as you’re breathing you can try again  . The following affirmations were birthed out of a relationship that I wanted to work so bad but didn’t. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Affirmations For When It Didn't Work It didn’t work, but I tried I am a queen . God enlarges my territory. He gives me space. My faith has large magnitudes. My faith cancels out fear. I am dedicated ...

Affirmations for Victory🏆

This week my focus is victory . Synonyms for victory you ask? S uccess. Triumph. Achievement. Conquering.  How awesome is it to feel that? To be that?  As a mom, who's still growing as I'm raising my daughter, these words can seem further or closer to my immediate truth -- just depending on what day it is 🤷‍♀️.  Some days I'll feel like I've got this adult-thing in the bag. Other days, I question my capabilities -- to take care of my child, to take care of myself.   It's not uncommon for me to feel defeated, but like a man thinketh, so he is . So I wrote these affirmations for days I need to be reminded, that " victory is mine "! I live a victorious life. I am victorious in Jesus. I am an overcomer. I am a leader. I have the power to change the flow of whatever environment I'm in.  I choose my battles wisely. I am a winner.  I overcome. I finish strong. So it is.

Affirmations for Parenting

 I am grateful for my child. I am the best parent I can be because I am the best person I can be. When my child does well I am content. When my child does not do well, I am content. I allow my child to make mistakes and I allow myself to make mistakes. My child's behavior doesn't affect the love and consistency I give her. I am proud of the way I've raised my child. I am an intentional parent.  I take joy in giving my child the attention, discipline, and love she requires. I give myself grace when I am not doing my best. I give my child grace when she is not doing her best. I parent out of wisdom. I parent with the relationship in mind. I am okay with making decisions that my child won't always like or understand.  I am parenting with long-term goals in mind. Parenting isn't easy, but it is worth it.  Parenting is my biggest investment. I am excited about all the good returns.  So it is.

Affirmations for Discipline

I am disciplined. I do what I say I will do. I discipline myself, so I enjoy the benefits of a disciplined life. I believe in myself and I believe what I say. I trust myself to complete things.  I am disciplined even when I don't feel like it.  I enjoy living a disciplined life. I choose discipline over comfort. I trust myself because I keep my promises to myself. I believe me when I say I will achieve something and I know I'll make it happen. My consistent motivation comes from within and my discipline helps me to succeed. I am proud of my discipline. Discipline takes me far. Discipline enhances me. I am happy with the fruits of my discipline. I believe God wants me to live a disciplined life. God helps me to live a disciplined life. So it is.