Everybody Doesn't Deserve Your Vulnerability πŸ“Œ

Everybody doesn't deserve your vulnerability ❌. It's just not emotionally safe. 

Sadly, there are people who, either knowingly or unknowingly, will use your vulnerability as ammunition against you. 

Let me be clear: the ability to be honest, vulnerable AND able to articulate one's self are assets. However, these qualities must be used wisely. Honest vulnerability shouldn't be thrown haphazardly into any situation. 

It works in one's favor when you can be honest and vulnerable without letting yourself get carried off with waves of emotions and feelings. Reins need to be put on our emotions.

Vulnerability is a wonderful trait to have. Vulnerability helps break down barriers with people, be relatable, and build meaningful relationships. 

Expressing emotions are a good way to relate and empathize with people. We cannot, however, lead with emotions. No one knows the fullness of you, your situation, or your past experiences other than you and God. 

Everybody doesn't deserve all of your heart. Your heart should stay under your shirt, tucked in your bra, and covered by your skin. If you want to let it out and breathe every now and again that's fine. Just remember: more wisdom is better than more vulnerability. 

Develop both and use them to your advantage. βœ…


Char said…
I love this so much and agree you must use wisdom in choosing how vulnerable and who you will be vulnerable around. Most of us tend to learn this lesson the hard way. I personally learned this the hard way. This is one of the best lessons I think I’ve learned in my adulthood. Thanks for sharing !

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