Ode to Writing.

Release tension. In the morning seems to be best, but midday and evening prove beneficial also. To release. To let go. Loosen and Reflect.

Reflection. "Pre"-flection. Introspection. Perfect Health. Even and Organic. Free-flow thinking is good for the soul. And my soul benefits best when I write: thoughts, pain, joy, opinions. As long as I write it's good for me.

Like a refreshing glass of water or the crisp morning air of a hot summer day, there is something magical a writer feels after the "writing" is complete. Like a light breeze. A pleasing scent. Writing is my life blood and I am off balance without it. Some people need coffee, some need the morning news, some need yoga, and some music. Me? I must write. Like soul vitamins and soul minerals. Essential. It is my God connection.

So for someone to have such a striking realization one would think I write all the time. Well, I don't. I don't know if it's fear or doubt. All I know is it doesn't happen the way it needs to. Could this be the reason I often feel un-centered?

I'll have a realization every now and again, accompanied by an intense desire to write. Yet almost as soon as the realization comes, life's cares and responsibilities (dishes, laundry, self-help books, binge-watching episodes of A Different World) cause this urge to fade into the background.

I don't know what will make me write the way I need to, indeed the way I WANT to. I don't have any revelatory knowledge to share in this post. This is just an ode to what heals me. A public acknowledgment that I will take better care of myself by doing what's good for me. 

Writing is... Crucial. Beneficial. Good for the SOUL.


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