
Affirmations to Wait πŸ•°️

Affirmations to Wait πŸ•°️  I am patient. I am content. I will not self-sabotage while I wait on what I want. I will be grateful as I wait. I am content with having what I’ve got while still desiring what I want. I don’t rush into anything! I trust that I am progressing. I trust God. I will not rush God. So it is.  “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” ‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭4‬ 

Affirmations For When It Didn't Work 🌞🀷🏽‍♀️πŸ€žπŸΌπŸ‘ΈπŸ½

About a month ago I was let down terribly. Relationship issues. Trouble in what became my own little personal paradise  .  I couldn’t imagine moving on from such a sad situation. I was let down and disappointed. Distraught .  I mean I tried my darndest, but in the end, it didn’t workπŸ‘·‍♀️ .  I hate when life goes like that. Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a job, a friendship, a project — when you try your best and it doesn’t work, it sucks.  Still if in the end, you know you did your best there is satisfaction to be found . How? Well, as long as you’re breathing you can try again  . The following affirmations were birthed out of a relationship that I wanted to work so bad but didn’t. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Affirmations For When It Didn't Work It didn’t work, but I tried I am a queen . God enlarges my territory. He gives me space. My faith has large magnitudes. My faith cancels out fear. I am dedicated ...

Affirmations for VictoryπŸ†

This week my focus is victory . Synonyms for victory you ask? S uccess. Triumph. Achievement. Conquering.  How awesome is it to feel that? To be that?  As a mom, who's still growing as I'm raising my daughter, these words can seem further or closer to my immediate truth -- just depending on what day it is 🀷‍♀️.  Some days I'll feel like I've got this adult-thing in the bag. Other days, I question my capabilities -- to take care of my child, to take care of myself.   It's not uncommon for me to feel defeated, but like a man thinketh, so he is . So I wrote these affirmations for days I need to be reminded, that " victory is mine "! I live a victorious life. I am victorious in Jesus. I am an overcomer. I am a leader. I have the power to change the flow of whatever environment I'm in.  I choose my battles wisely. I am a winner.  I overcome. I finish strong. So it is.

Affirmations for Parenting

 I am grateful for my child. I am the best parent I can be because I am the best person I can be. When my child does well I am content. When my child does not do well, I am content. I allow my child to make mistakes and I allow myself to make mistakes. My child's behavior doesn't affect the love and consistency I give her. I am proud of the way I've raised my child. I am an intentional parent.  I take joy in giving my child the attention, discipline, and love she requires. I give myself grace when I am not doing my best. I give my child grace when she is not doing her best. I parent out of wisdom. I parent with the relationship in mind. I am okay with making decisions that my child won't always like or understand.  I am parenting with long-term goals in mind. Parenting isn't easy, but it is worth it.  Parenting is my biggest investment. I am excited about all the good returns.  So it is.

Affirmations for Discipline

I am disciplined. I do what I say I will do. I discipline myself, so I enjoy the benefits of a disciplined life. I believe in myself and I believe what I say. I trust myself to complete things.  I am disciplined even when I don't feel like it.  I enjoy living a disciplined life. I choose discipline over comfort. I trust myself because I keep my promises to myself. I believe me when I say I will achieve something and I know I'll make it happen. My consistent motivation comes from within and my discipline helps me to succeed. I am proud of my discipline. Discipline takes me far. Discipline enhances me. I am happy with the fruits of my discipline. I believe God wants me to live a disciplined life. God helps me to live a disciplined life. So it is. 

Affirmations for Healthy Hair [Growth] 🌱

Every time my cousins and I get together we have the inevitable conversation about hair. We call it "The Hair Chronicles". African-American women (and textured girlies) can have complicated relationships with hair. And from fine to kinky, my cousins and I are no exception. A hairstyle can make or break a look, even a gal's confidence. Everybody might not understand that last part and don't need to, but if you know you know! It's a real thing. With that: here's to our hair, in all its glory! Affirmations for Healthy Hair [Growth] My hair is beautiful.  My hair is at peak health because I am at peak health. I am satisfied with my hair's length and I am satisfied with it's natural texture. I love my hair texture whether it is long or short. As I learn to accept and take care of my hair, I learn to accept and take care of myself. My hair is beautiful. My hair is the crown God gave to me. My healthy hair is a reflection of my healthy self: BIG, wild, femini...

Affirmations for Rest

My soul is at rest. My mind is at rest. My body is at rest. I am diligent, but balanced. I am not addicted to busyness.  I don't overwork myself. I don't substitute social media for rest. I use devices to enhance my rest and not to replace it. Rest resets my mind.  Rest resets my emotions. I am not overly ambitious in work goals or personal goals. I am where I need to be. I strive to be my best while staying balanced. Rest increases my creativity. Rest increases my efficiency. When I rest I relax. I am feminine as I relax. I am free as I relax. I have a healthy relationship with rest. I make rest a priority because I enjoy it. I deserve to rest. Psalm 62:5-6 So it is!

Affirmations for Inspiration

I am inspired. My inspiration keeps me motivated. I am driven. My purpose drives me. My life is not dull. I see beauty and opportunity in everything. I have a healthy relationship with challenges. I am constantly learning.  I am curious. I am excited about what God has next for me. I am inspired by people who know more and do more than me. I want to do all that I've been placed here to do. I am refreshed. I am at peace. I walk in passion. My passion is contagious. I inspire others.  I am inspired! So it is. 

Affirmations from Oakland, CA πŸŒ‰

I'm grateful today for life. I allow life to be exactly how it is. I do not try and control situations. I do not desire self-control, but God-control.  I allow sounds of nature to relax me. I take deep breaths and look up at the sky. I will not attempt to present myself in a way other than who I am. My spirit is strong. I'm bold to be myself in all situations. I'm still learning me and I love what I've learned. I am evolving. I don't attempt to force others to have good feelings toward me. I have good feelings toward me. I acknowledge my weaknesses, but I don't submit to them. I recognize weaknesses in others, but I don't judge them. I don't live with regrets. I am at peace with who I am. My life is grand. My life is simple.

Affirmations to De-stress 🌊

Lately, I've been compiling a list of affirmations to keep on tap when I need a quick pick-me-up 🏝️. As I reboot this blog, there will be a heavy emphasis on these affirmative pieces.  Affirmations are such an important part of my life. While I'm not always consistently speaking them, I want to be. So I'll be using this blog as a type of accountability system. To be intentional in living out what I so firmly believe in: that life and death are in the power of the tongue πŸ‘…. As you read these affirmations, say them out loud. Say them to yourself. Say them with conviction even if you don't believe them. And I'm convinced that it shall be... I do not rush. I do not stress. I am well taken care of. My seed is well taken care of. I have peace. I am prepared.  God has prepared me for the place I'm in now. So I will not walk in fear. I walk in confidence. I am organized. My home is clear and spacious. My car is clear and clean. My life is not hectic. My life has orde...