
Affirmations for Healthy Hair [Growth] 🌱

Every time my cousins and I get together we have the inevitable conversation about hair. We call it "The Hair Chronicles". African-American women (and textured girlies) can have complicated relationships with hair. And from fine to kinky, my cousins and I are no exception. A hairstyle can make or break a look, even a gal's confidence. Everybody might not understand that last part and don't need to, but if you know you know! It's a real thing. With that: here's to our hair, in all its glory! Affirmations for Healthy Hair [Growth] My hair is beautiful.  My hair is at peak health because I am at peak health. I am satisfied with my hair's length and I am satisfied with it's natural texture. I love my hair texture whether it is long or short. As I learn to accept and take care of my hair, I learn to accept and take care of myself. My hair is beautiful. My hair is the crown God gave to me. My healthy hair is a reflection of my healthy self: BIG, wild, femini

Affirmations for Rest

My soul is at rest. My mind is at rest. My body is at rest. I am diligent, but balanced. I am not addicted to busyness.  I don't overwork myself. I don't substitute social media for rest. I use devices to enhance my rest and not to replace it. Rest resets my mind.  Rest resets my emotions. I am not overly ambitious in work goals or personal goals. I am where I need to be. I strive to be my best while staying balanced. Rest increases my creativity. Rest increases my efficiency. When I rest I relax. I am feminine as I relax. I am free as I relax. I have a healthy relationship with rest. I make rest a priority because I enjoy it. I deserve to rest. Psalm 62:5-6 So it is!

Affirmations for Inspiration

I am inspired. My inspiration keeps me motivated. I am driven. My purpose drives me. My life is not dull. I see beauty and opportunity in everything. I have a healthy relationship with challenges. I am constantly learning.  I am curious. I am excited about what God has next for me. I am inspired by people who know more and do more than me. I want to do all that I've been placed here to do. I am refreshed. I am at peace. I walk in passion. My passion is contagious. I inspire others.  I am inspired! So it is. 

Affirmations from Oakland, CA 🌉

I'm grateful today for life. I allow life to be exactly how it is. I do not try and control situations. I do not desire self-control, but God-control.  I allow sounds of nature to relax me. I take deep breaths and look up at the sky. I will not attempt to present myself in a way other than who I am. My spirit is strong. I'm bold to be myself in all situations. I'm still learning me and I love what I've learned. I am evolving. I don't attempt to force others to have good feelings toward me. I have good feelings toward me. I acknowledge my weaknesses, but I don't submit to them. I recognize weaknesses in others, but I don't judge them. I don't live with regrets. I am at peace with who I am. My life is grand. My life is simple.

Affirmations to De-stress 🌊

Lately, I've been compiling a list of affirmations to keep on tap when I need a quick pick-me-up 🏝️. As I reboot this blog, there will be a heavy emphasis on these affirmative pieces.  Affirmations are such an important part of my life. While I'm not always consistently speaking them, I want to be. So I'll be using this blog as a type of accountability system. To be intentional in living out what I so firmly believe in: that life and death are in the power of the tongue 👅. As you read these affirmations, say them out loud. Say them to yourself. Say them with conviction even if you don't believe them. And I'm convinced that it shall be... I do not rush. I do not stress. I am well taken care of. My seed is well taken care of. I have peace. I am prepared.  God has prepared me for the place I'm in now. So I will not walk in fear. I walk in confidence. I am organized. My home is clear and spacious. My car is clear and clean. My life is not hectic. My life has orde

Late August Mind Dump

What a great day to be alive:  Sun shining.  Weather sweet.  Birds chirping.  Grass fresh.  Ants building.  Leaves blowing.  It's a late August morning and there are so many uncertainties . And even more  unknowns with pain and vulnerability so closely attached.  I feel open. Susceptible to the elements of earth and life. Unguarded . Terribly fragile. Scared. And yet so free.  Only God knows my future and it's only scary because I can't see. The giants in my head are truly small when pitted against the grand scheme of things. I will take this time given to me and decide what I want from my life.  I will learn, unlearn, prioritize, manage, and trust. Butterfly kisses and Lavendar tea, Danie

Rush Hour Traffic

Below is a story, a collection of thoughts that formed as I sat in rush-hour traffic for what seemed like forever. An elderly woman taking her time in the midst of our "rush-hour" inspired me. This piece came out of that inspiration and I am grateful...  During rush hour traffic. An old woman set herself to cross the street at the intersection. Some unassuming good soul was the first car to stop. In order not to seem more inhumane than the next city dweller, the other cars stopped forming a courteous and polite line as the woman shuffled into the street.  Plastered half smiles quickly turned into impatient stares that drilled holes into the woman's back deeper than memories. As the cars piled up and the faces tightened it was evident that all plans and deadlines were to bow down to the small elderly woman .  Everyone who sat waiting for her to cross saw her and though few may have recognized it at the time, they also saw what she represented.  Behind the sunglasses and im

End of the Year: General Reflections

Hey, ya'll!   It’s the end of another year: a time to evaluate, a time to recuperate, a time to reflect.  I find that I am still working through  1) forgiveness,  2) making mistakes,  3) being bold while maintaining respect for myself and others,   4 ) accepting where I am in life 💪, and 5 ) breaking bad routines that can be comfort zones in times of frustration ...  You know, the usual stuff . The essential stuff 💭. The things God is always dealing with me on; just on another level. Phase II (The Grown Up Edition) , if you will.  I'm considering what life will be like next year 🌺. What it will be like 10 years from now? Who will I be? Where will I live? What relationships will I have and what is the quality of them? What wisdom will I attain and be actively living out? What feats will I have accomplished? Bring it back to the now. Today, just days before New Year's Eve 2021: What can I do today to make my life what I want it to be?

Everybody Doesn't Deserve Your Vulnerability 📌

Everybody doesn't deserve your vulnerability ❌. It's just not emotionally safe.  Sadly, there are people who, either knowingly or unknowingly , will use your vulnerability as ammunition against you.  Let me be clear: the ability to be honest, vulnerable AND able to articulate one's self are assets . However, these qualities must be used wisely . Honest vulnerability shouldn't be thrown haphazardly into any situation.  It works in one's favor when you can be honest and vulnerable without letting yourself get carried off with waves of emotions and feelings.  Reins need to be put on our emotions. Vulnerability is a wonderful trait to have. Vulnerability helps break down barriers with people, be relatable, and build meaningful relationships.   Expressing emotions are a good way to relate and empathize with people. We cannot, however, lead with emotions. No one knows the fullness of you, your situation, or your past experiences other than you and God.  Everybody doesn&#

If Revolution Was a Recipe...

Happy Juneteenth everybody!   Happy life. Happy hearts and happy spaces! This collection of words is a poem I wrote, written for such a time as this. Enjoy. " If Revolution was a recipe , what would the ingredients be?  8 cups of love .  4 tablespoons of peace .  3 spoonfuls of kindness and a bottle of increase . 1/4 cup of truth .  3 teaspoons of light .  3 cups of empathy .  2 tablespoons of insight .  1 can of humility .  In true Revolution, arrogance and pride won't last. Classism would be erased, discarded, and bypassed. Everybody would shine . Be a part of gratitude and a part of giving . Healthcare, equal education, and no more broken-living . Accessible therapists for the hurting . Mandatory life-coaching and skills training for the meek . If Revolution was a recipe , LIFE would be sweet ."